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Bullet B weighs 0.5 oz and blocks A and C both weigh 3 lb. The coefficient of friction between the blocks and the plane is k  0.25. Initially the bullet is moving at v0 and blocks A and C are at rest (Figure 1). After the bullet passes through A it becomes embedded in block C and all three objects come to stop in the positions shown (Figure 2). Determine the initial speed of the bullet v0.
At an intersection car B was traveling south and car A was traveling 30° north of east when they slammed into each other. Upon investigation it was found that after the crash the two cars got stuck and skidded off at an angle of 10° north of east. Each driver claimed that he was going at the speed limit of 50 km/h and that he tried to slow down but couldn’t avoid the crash because the other driver was going a lot faster. Knowing that the masses of cars A and B were 1500 kg and 1200 kg, respectively, determine (a) which car was going faster, (b) the speed of the faster of the two cars if the slower car was traveling at the speed limit
The triple jump is a track-and-field event in which an athlete gets a running start and tries to leap as far as he can with a hop, step, and jump. Shown in the figure is the initial hop of the athlete. Assuming that he approaches the takeoff line from the left with a horizontal velocity of 10 m/s, remains in contact with the ground for 0.18 s, and takes off at a 50° angle with a velocity of 12 m/s, determine the vertical component of the average impulsive force exerted by the ground on his foot. Give your answer in terms of the weight W of the athlete.
A baseball player catching a ball can soften the impact by pulling his hand back. Assuming that a 5-oz ball reaches his glove at 90 mi/h and that the player pulls his hand back during the impact at an average speed of 30 ft/s over a distance of 6 in., bringing the ball to a stop, determine the average impulsive force exerted on the player’s hand.
 sailboat weighing 980 lb with its occupants is running down wind at 8 mi/h when its spinnaker is raised to increase its speed. Determine the net force provided by the spinnaker over the 10-s interval that it takes for the boat to reach a speed of 12 mi/h.
A 3-kg block rests on top of a 2-kg block supported by, but not attached to, a spring of constant 40 N/m. The upper block is suddenly removed. Determine (a) the maximum speed reached by the 2-kg block, (b) the maximum height reached by the 2-kg block.
A 2000-kg automobile starts from rest at point A on a 6o incline and coasts through a distance of 150 m to point B. The brakes are then applied, causing the automobile to come to a stop at point C, 20 m from B. Knowing that slipping is impending during the braking period and neglecting air resistance and rolling resistance, determine (a) the speed of the automobile at point B, (b) the coefficient of static friction between the tires and the road.
(a) Suppose that a person has an average heart rate of 72.0 beats/min. How many beats does he or she have in 2.0 y? (b) In 2.00 y? (c) In 2.000 y?
The hypermetropia is a (a) short-sight defect (b) long-sight defect (c) bad vision due to old age (d) none of these Ans: (b) Solution: A person suffering from hyper metropia can see objects beyond a particular point called the near point. If the object lies at a point nearer than this point, then image is not formed at the retina. This is also known as long-sight defect.
In semiconductors, at room temperature (a) the conduction band is completely empty (b) the valence band is partially empty and the conduction band is partially filled (c) the valence band is completely filled and the conduction band is partially filled (d) the valence band is completely filled
 A galvanometer acting as a voltmeter will have [2004, 2002] (a) a low resistance in series with its coil. (b) a high resistance in parallel with its coil (c) a high resistance in series with its coil (d) a low resistance in parallel with its coil Ans: (c) Solution: A galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter by connecting the high ressistance in series with the galvanometer so that only a small amount of current passes through i
A piece of copper and other of germanium are cooled from the room temperature to 80 K, then (a) resistance of each will increase (b) resistance of copper will decrease (c) resistance of copper will increase while that of germanium will decrease (d) resistance of copper will decrease while that of germanium will increase
The acceleration of a rocket traveling upward is given by a = (6 + 0.02s) * m / (s ^ 2) , where s is in meters. Determine the time needed for the rocket to reach an altitude of s = 100n . Initially, v = 0 and s = 0 when t = 0
Car B is traveling a distance d ahead of car A. Both cars are traveling at 60 ft/s when the driver of B suddenly applies the brakes, causing his car to decelerate at 12ft / (s ^ 2) It takes the driver of car A 0.75 s to react (this is the normal reaction time for drivers). When he applies his brakes, he decelerates at 15ft / (s ^ 2) . Determine the minimum distance d between the cars so as to avoid a collision.
Tests reveal that a normal driver takes about 0.75 s before he or she can react to a situation to avoid a collision. It takes about 3 s for a driver having 0.1% alcohol in his system to do the same. If such drivers are traveling on a straight road at 30 mph (44ft / s) and their cars can decelerate at 2ft / (s ^ 2) determine the shortest stopping distance d for each from the moment they see the pedestrians. Moral: If you must drink, please don't drive!